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When building your application, you have the option to use the Replicated private registry, or any supported external private or public registry.
Replicated Registry
Every application created in Replicated has a private, completely isolated Docker registry available. You can push images to your private registry by finding the endpoint at ( and using the Docker CLI to tag and push images. The Replicated Native Scheduler has built in support for the private registry, and will automatically authenticate with read-only access from a customer license file.
Tagging Images
The first thing you will need to do is tag your image. Replicated accepts images in the standard Docker format:<application-slug>/<image-name>:<version>
. You can find your application slug on the Images page of the Replicated Vendor Portal.
An example of tagging an existing image is:
$ sudo docker tag worker
Logging In
Next you will need to log into the Replicated private registry with your account credentials. When prompted, you will use your email address for your username.
$ sudo docker login
Username: [email protected]
Password: <your password>
Login Succeeded
Pushing Images
Finally you can push your image to the Replicated private registry.
$ sudo docker push
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
Sending image list
Pushing repository (1 tags)
07595b42e5d5: Image successfully pushed
f9910c2fd14a: Image successfully pushed
4f409c5d1046: Image successfully pushed
8e471642d573: Image successfully pushed
Pushing tag for rev [8e471642d573] on {}
For additional information on building, tagging and pushing docker images, please refer to the Docker CLI Documentation.
Supported External Registries
The Replicated Native Scheduler supports pulling public, unauthenticated images from any Docker registry that supports the standard Docker Registry HTTP API.
Additionally, the Replicated Native Scheduler supports private images hosted in other registries including Docker Hub, and more.