Automated Installations

How to automate installation of Replicated and an application

This content is associated with a legacy version of the Replicated product. For the current Replicated product docs, click here.

Replicated has support for automated installation and configuration. This feature is built for bootstrapping new installations and not for managing existing installations.

These steps must be run before installing Replicated. Replicated will only check for these values during initial installation.

Configure Replicated Automatically

During installation, Replicated will check for a config file at /etc/replicated.conf. To configure Replicated, create this file before installation, using any or all of the following options:

  "BypassPreflightChecks": true,
  "DaemonAuthenticationType": "password",
  "DaemonAuthenticationPassword": "this-is-a-secret",
  "ImportSettingsFrom": "/tmp/settings.conf",
  "LicenseFileLocation": "/tmp/license.rli",
  "LicenseBootstrapAirgapPackagePath": "/tmp/bundle.airgap",
  "LicenseBootstrapChannelID": "4331c5fa27ad4726644993e1bd234ded",
  "LogLevel": "debug",
  "ReleaseSequence": 123,
  "TlsBootstrapType": "server-path",
  "TlsBootstrapHostname": "",
  "TlsBootstrapCert": "/etc/server.crt",
  "TlsBootstrapKey": "/etc/server.key"

Initial Install Only

A file at /etc/replicated.conf will only be read on initial startup. It will never be written to, and once initial setup is complete and a license is installed, it will never be read again. (There are some exceptions to this rule, like changing the DaemonAuthenticationPassword, but in general it is not recommended to use /etc/replicated.conf after initial install).

These settings are explained in the following table:

Setting Acceptable Values Description
BypassPreflightChecks Boolean true or false Allows application to start without preflight checks. This setting is optional. The default is false
DaemonAuthenticationType anonymous or password Replicated supports anonymous and password protected access.
DaemonAuthenticationPassword Any string If DaemonAuthenticationType is set to password this value is required to access the Replicated console.
DaemonToken Any string Authentication token used by operators for automating a cluster installation. This setting is optional. If omitted, a random one will be generated.
DockerHubUsername Any string Username that will be used to authenticate with DockerHub when pulling public images only. This can be any valid username and is used to prevent rate limiting.
DockerHubPassword Any string Password that will be used to authenticate with DockerHub when pulling public images only. This has to be a valid password for the name specified in DockerHubUsername.
ImportSettingsFrom A file location as a string If your application has any required config settings, you can supply custom values here. Replicated will read these and set them as if the user manually configured it (see below). Replicated will only apply these settings on initial installation. This setting is optional.
ForceUseImportedSettings Boolean true or false Force Replicated to apply settings from the ImportSettingsFrom file. Settings will be applied on installation as well as app upgrades. This setting is optional.
RemoveImportSettingsFrom Boolean true or false Remove the ImportSettingsFrom file after use. This setting is optional.
LicenseFileLocation A file location as a string This is the location of an installable .rli license file on the host. The license file used with automated installs should not require email activation. This must be an airgap license if installation will use an airgap package.
LicenseBootstrapAirgapPackagePath A file location as a string This is the location of the airgap bundle on the host. When set, the automated install will proceed as an airgapped installation. Note that LicenseFileLocation must also be set to the location of the matching airgap license. This setting is optional.
LicenseBootstrapChannelID A channel ID as a string This property allows specifying the installation channel for multi-channel licenses. This setting is optional. When omitted and a multi-channel license is used, the release on the default channel will be installed.
LogLevel ['debug', 'info, 'error'] If present, this will set the log level of the Replicated daemon. This setting is optional.
ReleaseSequence The number of an app release Pins the application to a release available in the license’s channel, but is overridden by pins made in the vendor console. See Pinning the Release Sequence of an Application. This setting is optional and has to be omitted when LicenseBootstrapAirgapPackagePath is set.
TlsBootstrapType ['server-path', 'self-signed', 'key-cert'] The type of TLS cert the Replicated UI will run with. Use self-signed for a fully automated setup. Use server-path or key-cert to provide a static cert and key for the admin console.
TlsBootstrapHostname Any string The hostname to use for the Replicated-UI :8800 console. This setting is required when TlsBootstrapType is set to server-path.
TlsBootstrapCert string A PEM encoded certificate file. When TlsBootstrapType is set to server-path, this value should be the location of a file on the host. When set to key-cert, the value should be the certificate in plain text with newlines replaced with \n.
TlsBootstrapKey string A PEM encoded private key file. When TlsBootstrapType is set to server-path, this value should be the location of a file on the host. When set to key-cert, the value should be the private key in plain text with newlines replaced with \n.

Configure App Settings Automatically

When your application has a Settings page, you can configure required options automatically by setting the ImportSettingsFrom field in /etc/replicated.conf. This file is in JSON format and uses the config_item names from the YAML as keys.

This file can be generated by running the command replicatedctl app-config export --hidden > settings.conf.

For example, if your YAML contained the following config section:

- name: general
  title: General Settings
  - name: hostname
    title: The hostname of this server.
    type: text
    required: true
  - name: port_number
    title: The port to listen on.
    type: text
    required: true
  - name: a_file
    title: Pick a file.
    type: file
  - name: a_boolean
    title: Yea or Nay
    type: bool
  - name: many_files
    title: Pick many files.
    multiple: true

You could then create the settings.conf in this format:

 "hostname": {
   "value": ""
 "port_number": {
   "value": "1123123"
 "a_file": {
   "value": "/some/fake/filepath",
   "data": "<base64 encoded contents of the actual file>"
 "a_boolean": {
   "value": "true"
 "many_files": {
   "multi_value": [
   "multi_data": [
     "<base64 encoded contents of file1>",
     "<base64 encoded contents of file2>"

Additional Settings

Additional fields can be set in the etc/replicated.conf for using the cli to restore snapshots.