LDAP & Identity Integration Overview

Enabling LDAP and AD user auth and sync in an application through Replicated.

This content is associated with a legacy version of the Replicated product. For the current Replicated product docs, click here.

Replicated can be integrated with LDAP servers to sync users and/or authenticate users between the directory and your application.


To enable the identity services in your application, a top level identity.enabled key in your release yaml must be present:

  enabled: true
  provisioner: 'https://{{repl NodePrivateIPAddress "Backend" "App"}}/ldap/auth'
    - source: ldap
      filter: '(objectclass=*)'
      enabled: true
Field Description
enabled Boolean indicating if LDAP authentication is enabled on this installation.
provisioner (Optional) Host that provides provisioning API for synchronization with LDAP. This is required if using directory sync, and can be omiitted if only using LDAP authentication.
enable_reset_request (Optional) Boolean indicating that the LDAP provisioning API supports the POST /v1/reset request.
sources ldap and ldap_advanced sources are supported. At least one source must be enabled for Identity API to work.
source.source ldap or ldap_advanced. A reference to the LDAP authentication type from the config section of your application YAML.
source.enabled Boolean indicating if this source is enabled.
source.filter (Optional) Filter to pass to the LDAP server during the sync operation

Additionally, before your application containers can use the Replicated LDAP integration, you’ll need to collect some LDAP settings from your enterprise customer. We recommend you include our suggested configuration items in your application yaml to start.


Replicated provides a simple API to your containers that can be used to authenticate with a directory.

Directory Sync


At the root level, configure the identity object

  enabled: '{{repl if ConfigOptionNotEquals "auth_source" "auth_type_internal"}}true{{repl else}}false{{repl end}}'
  provisioner: 'http://{{repl NodePrivateIPAddress "MyContainerName" "Container Image Name"}}:6006'
  enable_reset_request: true
  - source: ldap
    filter: '{{repl ConfigOption "ldap_sync_filter"}}'
    enabled: '{{repl if ConfigOptionEquals "auth_source" "auth_type_ldap"}}true{{repl else}}false{{repl end}}'
- name: auth
  title: Authentication
  description: Where will user accounts be provisioned
  - name: auth_source
    default: auth_type_internal
    type: select_one
    - name: auth_type_internal
      title: Built In
    - name: auth_type_ldap
      title: LDAP
- name: ldap_settings
  title: LDAP Server Settings
  when: auth_source=auth_type_ldap
    # Optional.
    # When defined, the Test button will be shown on the LDAP settings section which will allow validating
    # the supplied credentials.  When this is enabled ldap_login_username and ldap_login_password must be defined.
    display_name: Test Credentials
    command: ldap_auth
    - ldap_type
    - ldap_hostname
    - ldap_port
    - ldap_encryption
    - ldap_search_user
    - ldap_search_password
    - ldap_base_dn
    - ldap_usersearch_dn
    - ldap_restricted_user_group
    - ldap_username_field
    - ldap_login_username
    - ldap_login_password
    - ldap_advanced_search
    - ldap_user_query
    - ldap_restricted_group_query
  - name: ldap_type
    # LDAP server type.  All standard LDAP implementations are supported.
    # In order to use Provisioning API, the LDAP server (AD being an exception) must support the Content Sync feature.
    title: LDAP Server Type
    type: select_one
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "ServerType"}}'
    default: ldap_type_openldap
    - name: ldap_type_openldap
      title: OpenLDAP
    - name: ldap_type_ad
      title: Active Directory
    - name: ldap_type_other
      title: Other
  - name: ldap_hostname
    # LDAP host name without port or protocol.  Example: ad.bigbank.com
    title: Hostname
    type: text
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "Hostname"}}'
    required: true
  - name: ldap_port
    # LDAP port number.  This can be different for different encryption types.
    title: Port
    type: text
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "Port"}}'
    default: 389
    required: true
  - name: label_encryption_label
    # Encryption type.  Self-signed certificates are not supported at this time when LDAPS or StartTLS is selected.
    title: Encryption Type
    type: label
  - name: ldap_encryption
    type: select_one
    default: ldap_encryption_plain
    - name: ldap_encryption_plain
      title: Plain
    - name: ldap_encryption_starttls
      title: StartTLS
    - name: ldap_encryption_ldaps
      title: LDAPS
  - name: ldap_search_user
    # DN of the user with search privileges.
    title: Search user
    type: text
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "SearchUsername"}}'
    required: true
  - name: ldap_search_password
    # The password to use to login as the Search User.
    title: Search password
    type: password
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "SearchPassword"}}'
    required: true
  - name: ldap_schema
    type: heading
    title: LDAP schema
  - name: ldap_base_dn
    # Base DN for user search.  Example: DC=ad,DC=bigbank,DC=com
    title: Base DN
    type: text
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "BaseDN"}}'
    required: true
  - name: ldap_usersearch_dn
    # User search DN.  Together with Base DN, it should form a valid search DN: <User Search DN>,<Base DN>
    title: User search DN
    type: text
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "UserSearchDNFirst"}}'
    default: ou=users
    required: true
  - name: ldap_advanced_search
    # This option must be selected in order to use advanced search features.   Otherwise, it can be omitted.
    title: Show Advanced Search Options
    help_text: Enable this option if you need to write a custom LDAP search query.
    type: bool
    value: 0
  - name: ldap_restricted_user_group
    # Group name that the user must belong to.  This string must only contain the group name
    # without an LDAP search query.
    title: Restricted User Group
    type: text
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "RestrictedGroupCNFirst"}}'
    required: false
    when: ldap_advanced_search=0
  - name: ldap_user_query
    # LDAP query that should be used to lookup users.  The query should contain a {{username}} placeholder that
    # will be replaced with the actual user name that is being looked up.
    # Example: (sAMAccountName={{username}})
    title: User Query
    type: text
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "UserQuery"}}'
    required: false
    when: ldap_advanced_search=1
  - name: ldap_restricted_group_query
    # LDAP query that should be used to validate user group membership.
    # The query can container two placeholders:
    #   {{userdn}} - this placeholder will be replaced with the user's DN value.
    #   {{username}} - this placeholder will be replaced with the user name
    # Example: (|(&(cn=Accounting)(memberuid={{username}})))
    title: Restricted User Group Query
    type: text
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "RestrictedGroupQuery"}}'
    required: false
    when: ldap_advanced_search=1
  - name: ldap_username_field
    # The LDAP field that will contain the user name.  Typically it will be uid.
    # Active Directory uses sAMAccountName.
    title: Username field
    type: text
    value: '{{repl LdapCopyAuthFrom "FieldUsername"}}'
    default: uid
    required: true
  - name: ldap_sync_filter
    title: LDAP Sync Filter
    type: text
    default: '(objectclass=*)'
  - name: ldap_login_username
    # Optional user name filed.  This can be used with test_proc to validate credentials before saving.
    title: Test username
    type: text
    required: false
  - name: ldap_login_password
    # Optional password filed.  This can be used with test_proc to validate credentials before saving.
    title: Test password
    type: password
    required: false

Note the use of the LdapCopyAuthFrom function. This is optional, but when LDAP is used to secure the Replicated console, settings entered on that screen will be copied as default values.

Identity API

See Identity API for information on how to authenticate and sync with LDAP server.