
The config section of the Replicated YAML creates a dynamic settings page that customers can use to configure their instance.

This content is associated with a legacy version of the Replicated product. For the current Replicated product docs, click here.

The cmds section of the YAML allows you to leverage the power of external commands within your configuration. The sole purpose of these cmds is to generate data for input in the configuration screen.

A command takes a variable number of string arguments and returns an array of strings. We have created an API with some useful commands. There is also the option to run the command raw. This command will take any raw string input and run the command in an Ubuntu Trusty container.

The command is run at YAML import time only (during app installation & during app updates). Data imported with value_cmd or data_cmd will not be overwritten upon updating the app, but default_cmd will. (For all three import methods the command is rerun during app update, but the results will only be used to overwrite prior values in the case of default_cmd) Modifying the name of a config item will cause it to be recognized as a new item and a new value will be generated.


  • name: The name of the command which can be referenced from other sections of the yaml.
  • cmd: The ID of the command. See Available Commands below for enumeration.
  • args: A variable number of string arguments. This is unique per command. For more details see Available Commands below.
  • timeout: Timeout in seconds to wait for the command to run before aborting. Defaults to 15 seconds for the Raw command.
  • readonly_rootfs: Whether to mount the container’s root filesystem as read only. Applies to the Raw command only.


Below is an example of a command that will generate a private key, a x509 certificate, and a random admin password that are used as configuration for our app.

- name: cert_cmd_result
  cmd: cert
  - "1024"
- name: gen_secret_result
  cmd: random
  - "32"
- name: keys
  title: Generated Internal Certificates, Keys and Passwords
  - name: server_private_key
    title: Private key file
    type: file
    hidden: true
      name: cert_cmd_result
      value_at: 0
  - name: server_cert
    title: Certificate file
    type: file
    hidden: true
      name: cert_cmd_result
      value_at: 1
  - name: server_authority
    title: X.509 Signing Authority
    type: file
    hidden: true
      name: cert_cmd_result
      value_at: 2
  - name: admin_password
    title: Generated Admin Password
    type: text
      name: gen_secret_result
      value_at: 0

Available Commands


Generates a private key and x509 certificate pair. The resulting certificate is signed by the certificate authority belonging to the local instance of the Replicated management container. The authority certificate is also returned by this command so that clients can verify the full X.509 chain.

Note 1: The authority certificate is generated the first time the management container is run on a system.

Note 2: If you do not pass-in your own domain or IP address values to this command, you’ll need to make sure that your server is set up to ignore bad certificate chains.

Note 2 (long explanation): To properly verify the resulting certificate chain, the server using this new certificate must be accessible via the domains or the IP addresses encoded into the cert. You can specify these values as arguments to the cert command. If you don’t, default values will be used, and the defaults will almost certainly not match the domain or IP address of the actual machine using the cert.


  • Key length: The length in bits of the private key. Default: 1024
  • Domains: Comma-separated list of domains for which this certificate is valid. Default: “”
  • IP addresses: Comma-separated list of IP addresses for which this certificate is valid. Default: the IP address bound to eth0 on the machine running the Replicated management container.

Return value

  • 0: The new PEM-encoded private key.
  • 1: The new PEM-encoded certificate.
  • 2: The PEM-encoded cert authority used to sign the new certificate.
- name: cert_cmd_result
  cmd: cert
  - "4096"


Gets the public IP address of the agent server.

This function reaches out to an external service to acquire the ip and the result can then be written to a config item.

Return value

  • 0: Public IP address
- name: host_ip
  cmd: publicip
  args: []


Generates a random string with the default charset [_A-Za-z0-9].


  • Length - The length of the string (default 16 characters).
  • Charset

Return value

  • 0: Random string
- name: hash_key
  cmd: random
  - "64"
  - "[A-Za-z0-9]"


Echos the first argument.


  • String to echo

Return value

  • 0: String
- name: hello_world
  cmd: echo
  - Hello World!


Runs command from a bash shell inside an “ubuntu:trusty” docker container. The docker image is hosted on dockerhub at


  • Variable

Return value

  • 0: String
- name: hello_world
  cmd: raw
  - echo
  - Hello World!
  timeout: 5
  readonly_rootfs: true

Example Usage

persistent password

This example generates a 64 character password for use with a database that will be held constant across updates. A checkbox is also used to allow the customer to view this password, but not edit it. A second checkbox allows the customer to edit the password.

- name: gen_db_password
  cmd: random
  - "64"

- name: generated
  title: Generated Internal Passwords
  # the db_password_init item should not be used by anything besides db_password_persist
  - type: password
    name: db_password_init
    hidden: true
      name: gen_db_password
      value_at: 0

  - type: password
    name: db_password_persist
    title: Persistent DB Password
    value: '{{repl ConfigOption "db_password_init"}}'
    when: edit_switch=1

  - type: text
    name: db_password_view
    title: "Persistent DB Password"
    readonly: true
    value: '{{repl ConfigOption "db_password_persist"}}'
    when: view_switch=1

  - name: view_switch
    title: View Internal Passwords
    type: bool
    value: 0
    affix: left

  - name: edit_switch
    title: Edit Internal Passwords
    type: bool
    value: 0
    affix: right