Identity API

Provides authentication with identity servers

This content is associated with a legacy version of the Replicated product. For the current Replicated product docs, click here.

About the Identity API

The Identity API provides synchronous authentication with an identity server, often a corporate LDAP or Active Directory (AD) service. In this model, login requests are made to the Replicated Integration API, which validates the credentials provided against the identity service. Applications using the Identity API rely on the upstream identity provider for local identity.

API Methods

The Identity API is part of the Integration API. To discover the Integration API base endpoint, query the REPLICATED_INTEGRATIONAPI environment variable from inside your container.

LDAP Authentication

GET /identity/v1/sources

Lists identity sources.


Status Description
200 Sucess

In case 200 is returned, the body of the response will contain a listing of enabled identity sources.



$ curl -k -i $REPLICATED_INTEGRATIONAPI/identity/v1/sources"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 158
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2017 03:19:11 GMT

    "sources": [
            "base_dn": "dc=replicated,dc=com",
            "hostname": ""
            "base_dn": "DC=ad,DC=replicated,DC=com",
            "hostname": ""

POST /identity/v1/login

Authenticates the user and returns the corresponding entry properties.

Request payload

Name Type Description
username String As defined by the ldap_username_field setting
password String Cleartext password

Query parameters

Name Type Description
hostname * String Hostname for the LDAP server
base_dn * String Base DN for the LDAP server

* required when identity is configured with multiple sources


Status Description
200 User authenticated successfully
401 Invalid username or password

In case 200 is returned, the body of the response will contain LDAP properties for the authenticated user entry. The password attribute will be omitted from the result.

Response body

Name Type Description
DN String LDAP DN for the user’s entry
Username String Username
Attributes Object A map of available LDAP attributes for the user’s entry, including any custom attributes for the user.
Groups Array Array of groups that the user belongs to. Each group contains group’s DN and a list of its LDAP attributes.


Note that the response JSON has been prettified for easier reading.


  "DN": "cn=Test User,ou=users,dc=replicated,dc=com",
  "Username": "testuser",
  "Groups": [{
    "DN": "cn=replicated,ou=groups,dc=replicated,dc=com",
    "ID": "501",
    "Name": "replicated",
    "Attributes": {
      "cn": ["replicated"],
      "gidnumber": ["501"],
      "memberuid": ["testuser", "testuser2", "testuser3", "testuser4"],
      "objectclass": ["posixGroup", "top"]
  "Attributes": {
    "cn": ["Test User"],
    "gidnumber": ["500"],
    "givenname": ["Test"],
    "homedirectory": ["/home/users/testuser"],
    "objectclass": ["inetOrgPerson", "posixAccount", "top"],
    "sn": ["User"],
    "uid": ["testuser"],
    "uidnumber": ["1005"]

GET /identity/v1/user/:username

Returns properties for the specified user.

Query parameters

Name Type Description
hostname * String Hostname for the LDAP server
base_dn * String Base DN for the LDAP server

* required when identity is configured with multiple sources


Status Description
200 User authenticated successfully
401 Invalid username or password (for LDAP search user)
404 Requested user is not found

In case 200 is returned, the body of the response is the same as that of the /identity/v1/login call.

GET /identity/v1/user/:username/exists

Checks if the supplied username exists on the server and returns true or false.

In case 200 is returned, the body of the response will be true if the user exists or false otherwise.

Query parameters

Name Type Description
hostname * String Hostname for the LDAP server
base_dn * String Base DN for the LDAP server

* required when identity is configured with multiple sources


Status Description
200 Check completed successfully
401 Invalid username or password



$ curl -k -i $REPLICATED_INTEGRATIONAPI/identity/v1/user/jdoe/exists
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 19:00:30 GMT
Content-Length: 4



$ curl -k -i $REPLICATED_INTEGRATIONAPI/identity/v1/user/badusername/exists
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 19:00:30 GMT
Content-Length: 5
